Recorded Documents Mega Search
Fairfield, Hartford, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London, Tolland, Windham County, Connecticut
Data Source:
Various Connecticut Clerk of the Towns
Search official public records for this county to see real estate transactions. Includes liens, assumed business name filings and other public records. Includes the towns of Barkhamsted, Bethlehem, Bloomfield, Bridgeport, Cromwell, East Haddam, East Haven, East Lyme, Hampton, Hartford, Lisbon, Litchfield, Madison, Meriden, Middlebury, Monroe, North Stonington, Pomfret, Seymour, Southbury, Thompson, Tolland, Washingtn, Waterford, Watertown, Wethersfield, Wilton and Woodbridge.
Record Type:
Assumed or Fictitious Business Names | Business Filings | Death Records | Judgments | Property Ownership - Real Estate Ownership | Recorder | Tax Liens
Recorded Documents
Durham, Middlesex County, Connecticut
Data Source:
Town of Durham Town Clerk
Search official public records for this county to see real estate transactions. Includes trade names and other public records. NOTE: Choose "LOGIN AS A GUEST" to search free.
Record Type:
Assumed or Fictitious Business Names | Business Filings | Property Ownership - Real Estate Ownership | Recorder
Recorded Documents
East Hampton , Middlesex County, Connecticut
Data Source:
Town of East Hampton Clerk
Search official public records for this county to see real estate transactions. Includes bankruptcies, business filings, death records, judgments, liens, trade names and other public records. NOTE: Click SIGN IN AS A GUEST to search free.
Record Type:
Assumed or Fictitious Business Names | Bankruptcy / Bankruptcies | Business Databases (Non-Government) | Death Records | Judgments | Property Ownership - Real Estate Ownership | Recorder | Tax Liens